Home (Printed Songbook)


Home (Printed Songbook)



Early Praise for Home:

“A truly celebratory album brimming with love, life, happiness, gratitude, and all the blessings of home and hearth, this is Michele McLaughlin’s finest work. ‘Home’ is a must-have album for all.” – Dyan Garris at New Age CD

"Home tells the story of finding true love and then finding the perfect home to live happily ever after in. Many of the twelve tracks are lively and upbeat, expressing joy and love, and this is Michele's most buoyant album to date. I should also mention that the cover artwork is as warm and beautiful as the music itself. ... This is music sure to lift your mood and brighten your day, so don't miss it!" - Kathy Parsons at MainlyPiano.com 

"A jubilant journey to new abodes!  Most highly recommended!" - Dick Metcalf at Contemporary Fusion Reviews


Binding: Spiral Bound

Paper: Heavier stock for easy turning

Released: ©2021

Physical Songbook Includes:

•All 12 songs from the matching album plus a solo version of "This Beautiful Life"

•Table of contents

•Information page

Difficulty Level: Songs range from Advanced Beginner to Advanced Intermediate

•2 Advanced Beginner Songs

•8 Intermediate Songs

•3 Advanced Intermediate Songs




SONGBOOK REVIEW by Kathy Parsons at MainlyPiano:
Home songbook
Michele McLaughlin
2021 / Michele McLaughlin™
86 pages / 13 songs
Review by Kathy Parsons
Home is the companion sheet music book for Michele McLaughlin's 2021 solo piano album by the same name. All twelve of the pieces from the album are included, plus a second version of "This Beautiful Life." The sheet music was transcribed by John Zechiel and proof-read by me to ensure that it matches the recording note-for-note. The overall feeling of this collection is joy and optimism; a celebration of finding the perfect house and making it a dream home full of promise and love. Pianists at an upper-intermediate to early-advanced playing level should have no trouble mastering these pieces, half of which are in the key of C.

The duet version of "This Beautiful Life" is likely the most difficult piece, due at least in part, to its quick tempo and eighteen pages, but it is a much closer match to the recording than the solo version, which is simplified. However, the "primo" part of the duet is only one hand and the "secondo" part is fairly repetitive, so that makes it easier.

The songbook itself is beautifully laid-out and the scores are well-spaced and easy to read. The front and back covers are enlargements of the beautiful album artwork by Matt Strieby of New Leaf Design, and the book includes Michele's biography. It's a fun book to play through since the mood is mostly light-hearted and joyful. Michele's music is very easy to relate to, and I'm sure pianists at any age would enjoy working on these pieces. I was a piano teacher for 40 years, so when proof-reading sheet music, clarity and detail are always very important, and I can easily recommend this book to teachers looking for contemporary music for their students.

The songbook will be released on December 3, 2021, the same day as the recording, and is available for pre-release sales from www.MicheleMcLaughlin.com. The sheet music will be available as a spiral-bound printed book, a PDF download, and as individual pieces.

The song titles, the key(s) they are in, and the number of pages are:

A New Dream - Key of A minor / C major (0 sharps or flats) - 6 pages
Home - Key of C - 5 pages
In Perfect Harmony - Key of C minor (3 flats) - 5 pages
Joyful Mornings - Key of G (1 sharp) - 5 pages
Welcome - Key of D minor (1 flat) - 5 pages
Taking Root - Key of C minor/ Eb major (3 flats) - 4 pages
Hidden Acre - Key of C - 5 pages
If These Walls Could Talk - Key of G minor / Bb major (2 flats) - 7 pages
Together Again - Key of C - 5 pages
Anticipation - Key of C - 5 pages
Contentment - Key of F (1 flat) - 3 pages
This Beautiful Life (duet version) - Key of C - 18 pages
This Beautiful Life (solo version) - Key of C - 11 pages