Finding Balance

I am often trying to find balance in my life.  Balance in eating healthy and following a healthy lifestyle.  Balance in my spirituality.  Balance in my relationships and friendships and family.  Balance in my home environment. Balance in love.  Balance in my work and musical career.  Balance.  Balance.  Balance.  So what does that mean, to find balance?  

For me, it’s finding that happy medium, that place of joy and contentment, where I’m not struggling emotionally, and I’m just happy and at peace between the extremes.  For example, when I am trying to find balance in my health, it’s important that I find that place in the middle where I can still enjoy the foods I like, but add in exercise to try and feel stronger, with more stamina and endurance.  When I don’t eat well, and I’m not exercising, I feel tired and unmotivated, sluggish and worn out.  When I eat healthy and exercise, I have so much more energy to enjoy my day, and my brain feels less cloudy and foggy, giving me the opportunity to really be creative and productive.  But, I don’t want to be so militant with that healthy lifestyle that I’m missing out, or cutting out, certain parts of what makes life enjoyable… like dinners with friends, a nice glass of wine by the fire, a nice date night out to my favorite restaurant, or a simple piece of chocolate.  For me, it’s about moderation, and balance between the two extremes.


Finding Balance

In my work, finding balance is about learning to relax and allow myself some free time, rather than working 24/7 on music, marketing and promotion.  Being self employed, I have the ability to manage my own schedule, and I used to either work all the time or not at all, and then end up feeling guilty that I wasn’t working.  I ended up finding balance in my daily routine of playing piano, working in my office on my daily “to do” lists, and spending time with my friends and family by keeping a regular routine and staying consistent with that routine.  Now I can work and relax, all in the same day, and it’s fulfilling.  

In every facet of my life, I’m trying to find balance.  If I can find that sweet spot and that happy medium between the extremes, my life is more calm, more peaceful, and I am content.  I wrote a song called “Finding Balance” on my Breathing In The Moment album, and it’s precisely about the struggle to find balance in my daily life.  It’s a turbulent song, with flow, and rhythm and progression.  It symbolizes the struggle, and the joy, and the peace, of trying to not only find balance, but maintain it.  You can find and enjoy that song here.  



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